Sheep go blind!
The main question You have not answered or not answered well enough is, "What should I be to Whom?" - "Everything to everyone" is not the correct answer! This approach is hugely ineffective and not very competitive. You need to be precise in target audience, segmentation and positioning. Your segment and target audience should only be as wide as it takes to support your projected turnover and earnings. But then, You need to know how to quantify Your market base. Spend Your marketing budget wisely. You do this by being different, not generic. Following the herd, is not clearly understanding and not seeing. Every day you wake up, the world is more competitive. Call for a free consultation today! Chances are it will open your eyes to seeing things differently from now on.
John R. Pickens, Marketing strategist, Creative Director, Business Coach. Lecturer in Marketing, Communications and Advertising. More than 30 years experience. Cases: Gant Sportswear, Ferrero Scandinavia, Danone, Skanska, Falken Tires, HSB Turning Torso, Finnlines, Elitfönster, Kährs, Kraft Foods, Unilever, Malaco Leaf among other renowned international brands.